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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The view from my apartment window

Our apartment is on the 3rd floor.
This is looking out the front window.
Notice all the chimney stacks on these old flats.
 This is the view out the kitchen window.

It is quite different living in downtown Aberdeen instead of the quiet shire of Banchory. Bud and I went for a walk after dinner.  I was quite surprised when I heard a bird singing a beautiful melody.  Usually the only sounds I hear are the cars zipping by.  We are determined to enjoy the city life for the next couple of months while we wait on our apartment in The Hague to finished. 

By the way,  I broke down and bought an internet card.  I could not stay disconnected from the world until my internet service got connected.  Originally it was to be on March 10th but now they have moved it back to March 12th. 

The moving experience was a bit interesting over here.  The movers were to show up at 9:30 a.m. but usually made it before 10:00 a.m.  They would have to take several "ciggie" breaks throughout the day.  Lunch was an hour, except one day it was 1 1/2 hours.  They left between 4:00 and 4:30 p.m.  It took them three days to pack my house.  I had trimmed my household items down quite a bit when I moved over here.  When we left Utah, the movers took two days - they came in and got busy.  They ate lunch for about 15 minutes and got back to work.  On the third day here, their boss made them work through lunch and they finished at 5:00 p.m.  They were pretty unhappy about not getting lunch.  On the flip side, they were very nice and friendly. 


Vanessa said...

Reminds me of Mary Poppins!!

CeCelia Jade said...

I like your views, how adventurous to be living downtown in a foreign city...I'm a little jealous. Are you closer to the movie theater now?

Mel and Angus said...

Yes I am, very close! Also close to a cemetery! Just thought I would throw that one in.