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Friday, October 30, 2009

Scottish Sunrise

While my grandchildren were visiting,
we woke up to the most beautiful sunrise.

I could not get over how big and bold the morning sky was.
It truly was one of God's most magnificant paintings.
When I see this, I cannot doubt a higher power.
while I am marveling out on my deck,
this little guy way back,
out beyond my bedroom door, has locked me out.
Blow up picture to see the guilty one!
"Who me?  Why grandma I would never do such a thing!"


Lydia said...

We never have locked doors at out house, and it didn't take me 2 days to unlock the guest/half bath last week.

Amanda said...

That sunrise is beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

what a beautiful sunrise!
and I love the guilty look on his face.. kids are so cute!

DHFarnsworth said...

Michael locked out Brent and I while we were doing yardwork one Friday. Unfortunately, he locked himself out, too. The things we had to do to get back into the house!
What a beautiful sunrise.