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Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Easter Bunny Has a Friend!

Looks like our Easter Bunny has a friend!

I was making dinner last night
and Bud told me to look out the window.

I HOPE this doesn't mean that we will be having lots of
Easter Bunnies in the near future!!

P.S. Our grandson saw our previous post and wanted to know
how come we got to see the Easter Bunny and they didn't! Cute, huh?


Amanda said...

Maybe you could take up raising rabbits again? I can still remember going to your house as a little kid to check on the rabbits Bud and my dad had down there. Kinda funny how I remember that?!

Unknown said...

Uh oh....you may have to start selling rabbit pelts when they start popping hundreds of babies out. Especially if you're going to have a garden!