I am way behind on blogging. I thought I would try to do some posts
over the next week or two about my last couple of weeks.
So here goes . . .
LaNice and I left on February 4th via Paris to Aberdeen.
LaNice looks way excited on our departure.
I am excited too. I can't believe that I am moving . . .
to Scotland. After months and months of knowing
this change was coming - its finally here!
This is taken in the Paris airport. We flew for 10 1/2 hours
and had been waiting for about 4 hours or so to make our connection.
Our flight to Aberdeen kept getting delayed because of weather.
The worst storm the United Kingdom had seen in 18 years.
I think the weather followed us from Utah.
We were lucky to be able to land at all.
The Aberdeen airport was closed that morning,
opened up just in time for us to land, and closed the next morning.
How lucky is that?
This is what the view from my living room window looked like.
This is the view from our upstairs window. It is beautiful.
We look out from the window to the wonderful Dee River
with a nice valley and rolling hills across the way.
Scotland truly is beautiful.