The beginning of fall has arrived here in Scotland. The grain has matured and the harvest is in full swing. Barley and wheat are the two major grain crops. The barley is used for Scotland's most famous export--Scottish Whiskey. Wheat is used for making flour.

Harvesting the grain. The combine cuts off the heads and then the grain is transferred to the wagons where it is hauled from the fields.

The stubble is then cut and baled. It will be utilized as bedding for the animals and in some cases, as feed.

Bales of barley straw.

A hillside grain field with the bales waiting to be hauled.
Thanks for the lesson. I didn't know that!
What a pretty sight. I would have never thought of Scotland growing wheat & barley.
I love it when they bale the straw in the rounds instead of the squares. It's so pretty!
Does your life in Scotland seem real yet? I see these amazing pictures like I am looking at a book. It is hard to realize you are actually so far away and yet with the use of the internet communication is so easy!...Tell Bud to stay away from the Barley products after the harvest.
I never knew hay could be so beautiful!
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