Happy Birthday Daughter Dear!
A very happy little girl who loves her mama.

When her brother reminds her of that he gets slugged!
What's up with that?

As a little girl she would go to the dairy with her dad;
I would have to hose her off with the garden hose before she could come into the house.
Word of warning - don't hurt her brother or she will come after you!
She loves her horse, she even gave her horse baby doll bangs once.
I guess we should of recognized the signs of things to come . . .
She said to me one day,
"Mom, let's color your hair purple."
"Okay if you promise to fix it in a speedy fashion if it goes south!"
My scalp was purple, but since my hair is dark you couldn't tell it was
purple, unless I was in the sun.
I had tons of photos of her and her cat, Princess.
They would always be napping together,
especially in front of the fireplace.
I would sing to you - YIKES!
I would make you your favorite meal,
and then I would give you 27 spankings
and a pinch to grow on!
Love You!
Thanks Floolie!!! I guess that means I was worth 46.5 hours wasn't I?? Anyways, thanks for all and whatnot. Even if you do make fun of me because Monkey Boy slathered himself in deoderant right before church this morning!
Happy Birthday Snort! I have had some of my favorite memories with you...Love you!
Love this post. Happy birthday, Court!
Yeah Courtney, Happy Birthday!!! If Courtney is getting old then what about you...hehehehe...just kidding :) My dad said the same thing and I had to remind him that he is my dad and if I get old so does he! Your post was cute!
Ahh what a cute post! Happy Birthday Court!
Happy Birthday Courtney.
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