"Is this Mrs. Farnsworth?"
"Yes, it is."
"This is the Orem Fire and Ambulance. We have your son Jake with us. We want to ask you a few questions."
My heart sank, "Did he have another seizure?"
Aw heck! Jake was at UVU doing some Surveying for his Surveying Class (as in engineering surveying) and had the seizure outside on a sidewalk.I don't really have any of the details, since he doesn't remember anything. Poor kid. We had just celebrated his 6 month anniversary of him being seizure free on May 1st. Thankfully I have my ANGEL OF A DAUGHTER to call on. I mean every word of that. I called Snortney up as soon as I hung up with the paramedic and told her Jake had a seizure. The first words out of her mouth were, "I'm on my way." I know it can't be easy for her to be "mini me" with two little kids but I am sooooo very grateful she is there for her brother. She has always been very protective (sometimes translates into bossy) of her brother. She dropped off her little guy at his other grandmother's house and took the baby with her to the E.R.
Jake, once again, can't drive until he sees the Neurologist. Snort has been trying to get an appointment set up so he and she can go meet with the doctor. The hospital didn't run any test on Jake since he had that battery of tests done recently with the last seizure. Jake said he probably got lax in taking care of himself since he hadn't had any seizures in 6 months. This kid, I am afraid, is going to have to be very careful in taking care of himself. He has a girlfriend so he has been staying out late with her, has an early morning (7 a.m.) class and was working more hours. The cows have been getting out, causing him problems and I suppose the jet lag from his trip here didn't help matters either. Court is taking over the responsibility of the cows until he gets on his feet again. Read her blog - she went swimming in the canal trying to get the two bulls back where they belong! What a COWGIRL! Anyway, I don't know what the outcome for Jake is going to be. I am sure Snort will keep everyone posted. I cannot express deeply enough my gratitude for my girl. I would be insane over here if I didn't have her picking up my duty as a mother! Bless her!
How scary, hope he is ok. Really good that Courtney is there for him.
Dadgum! That is aweful! His poor face! I'm so glad you have a wonderful daughter!
Poor Jake! Thank goodness for Court though.
Ohhh man what an awful phone call to get! Im so glad that Courtney is here for him! Tell Courtney to seriously call me if she needs help with anything. I don't know anything about cows, but Im game to try if she needs me!
Those pictures make me sick and want to cry my eyes out! I am so sorry!
Oh my!! I hope they figure out what's causing these seizures. Thank heaven for family! I will keep him in my prayers.
Owww....that's not where you want to hit the pavement at :( I'm so sorry! That must be hard not to be able to be around and help out. Court's a good big sis though :) I hope everything is okay.
I saw Jake yesterday, he actually was looking pretty good last night. I hope for him, and the rest of you that this never happens again!!
I felt so bad for you yesterday because you couldn't be here right when everything was going on. Don't worry though!! Courtney has it all under control!
We'll be keeping you, Jake, and Lamar in our prayers!
Any phone call from an paramedic about your child has to be scary. It is probably good he can't remember anything cause it looks like he got beat up by the concrete. I hope he is OK. You are in our prayers!!
Ouch! I'm so sorry for you and Jake. Since I'm so late in reading this, he's probably all healed up by now, but he's in my prayers anyway. Thank goodness for big sisters like Courtney.
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