A very gorgeous sunset last night. Thought I would share that for fun!
Merry Christmas
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. We certainly did.
Santa got me a Garmin so I won't get lost in Scotland. Wise Santa.
Santa got me a Garmin so I won't get lost in Scotland. Wise Santa.
Christmas is so much fun with a three year old. Santa is the coolest.
In fact he visited us Christmas Eve.
In fact he visited us Christmas Eve.
I love this picture because you almost don't notice the little hand. On Christmas Eve we have our good friends, LaNice and Alan and their kids, over for Huevos Rancheros. Its a wonderful tradition that we have been doing for years. The little guy wanted to help Bud cook. He was sick however and had to have his Grandpa hold him.
He really does like to work with you when you've got stuff to do.
I wonder if he will feel that way when he is a teenager.
Snort getting a chuckle out of Jake's present to her.
A chocolate cookbook with all the recipes he wants her to make for him.
He also gave her 20 pounds for her trip to England in September.
We also called this a used Christmas. Jake got Bud's paint ball gun,
since they don't allow guns of any kind in Scotland.
Snort got all my canning supplies.
She was quite happy about that. Poor girl!
This is the weather we have been dealing with over Christmas. The wind was howling like mad and the snow blowing. I actually got stuck in our driveway with my SUV! Bud had to pull me back and let me get a running start at the snow drift. Today's weather was really nice though.
Other News
We are now in the process of getting ready for our New Year Eve's Party. So friends and family in the area, drop by. It is so hard to remember to tell everyone, so don't be offended if you weren't told personally and just come on over anyway. We are having an open house so we can see all our friends before we make the big move. I hope people show up. That would be terrible if no one came! (Am I paranoid?)
Part of getting the house cleaned up for the party involves actually getting ready for the movers too. I hate that part. It is such a pain! The kids came over and were going through their old rooms. You know, getting all their memorabilia out - stuffed toys, work from school, art, etc. That is kinda of fun to see. Snort and Bud went through my kitchen cupboards while I was out running errands. They found some (a lot) of expired cans of food, etc. that were pushed in the back of the cupboard. Boy did I get a hard time for that!
I don't know what we would do without Snort. She has been such a help. I give her a hard time because she is a list maker. She is constantly making lists for Bud and I to make sure we get things done. Glad someone in our family is on the ball. Its certainly not me! When she is trying to get into my head about getting stuff done and I don't feel like it, I tell her to go make a list. That keeps her happy and busy.
Dear son-in-law also is helpful. He is our go to guy. Just waits to find out what we need to get done and he does it. I love him!
Jake has also been a help. He is the muscle that Snort and I don't have. He helps Bud with the heavy stuff. Jake is still doing well and still being that fun, crazy kid we love. I have been enjoying the extra time I have spent with him driving him around. We have got to talk a lot and that has been fun.
Well wish me luck that I will have a clean house by tomorrow and some sanity to go with it!!! I don't know why when you clean it seems like you make a bigger mess in order to put some order in your house. If anyone figures that one out, let me know.
What time are the festivities beginning? We'd love to stop by!
Good luck! Have a great party...wish we could come, I'm sure we would have a wonderful time!
Looks like you guys had a good Christmas, we are excited to stop by and see you guys before you go! See ya tomorrow!
Keri we are having an open house from 6 to 10, and later for those who are brave. Can't wait to see you. My kids will be here too.
Oh bummer I am out of town, still in NM so I cant come to the party. When exactly are you guys leaving? I was wondering if we would get a chance to see you before you head out!
Amy call when you get back in town. I am sure we will be here.
Really wish we could have been there. We had hoped to make it down over the Christmas break, but one of life's twists decided to happen. I do expect that you will let us know when you are coming back into town--if the kids are willing to share you for a few hours!
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